We are one of the leading Consumer's Electronics Wholesaler / retailer for the Both the youths, market and Shops. we are recognized for our success in engaging with this audience through our unique stand-out advertising, social media activity and our market leading Products range.
Brand New Nikon D700:$900USD
Brand New Nikon D40:$550USD
Brand New Nikon D40x:$450USD
Brand New Nikon D60:$400USD
Brand New Nikon D80:$500USD
Brand New Nikon D90:$800USD
Brand New Canon 40D:$490USD
Brand New Canon 400D:$400 USD
Brand New Canon 50D:$600 USD
Brand New Canon 450D:$500 USD
Brand New Canon EOS 5D Mark II:$1000 USD
Pioneer DJM-600K mixer....$500
Pioneer EFX-1000 Performance Effector Digital Effects Processor..$600
Pioneer DJM-500 mixer.....$400
Pioneer DJM-300 mixer....$320
Pioneer DJM-3000 mixer...$450
Pioneer DJM-707 mixer....$360
Pioneer DJM-700-S Mixer..$650
Pioneer CMX-3000 Dual Rackmount CD Player..........$460
Pioneer DJM-400 Mixer .....$400
Pioneer DJM-800 Mixer......$600
Pioneer DJM-1000 Mixer....$1000
Pioneer DJM-5000 Mixer....$750
Pioneer DJM-600 mixer.....$450
Pioneer CDJ-1000MK2.....$420
Pioneer CDJ-900 Professional Multi-Player.....$800
Pioneer CDJ-2000 CD Turntable......$1100
Pioneer CDJ-200 Pro CD Player......$200
Pioneer DVJ-X1 DJ Video Player........$800
Pioneer SVM-1000 Pro Audio/Video DJ Mixer.....$2000
Pioneer CDJ-800MK2 Professional CD/MP3 Turntable.....$420
Pioneer DVJ-1000 Professional DVD Turntable....$800
Pioneer DJM-909 mixer....$700
Pioneer EFX-500 mixer....$320
Pioneer CDJ-400 Turntable….$400
Pioneer CDJ-1000 MK3....$500
2x CDJ 1000MK3 + 1 DJM 800 DJ PACKAGE.......$1800
Akai MPC1000 Music Production Center....................$400
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