watch out with the announcement of telecom1ltd@live .com or whoever tell you to sell a mobile phone on sale. they are scamer. they tell you to buy a product in a very cheap price telling you that you have to transfer money first to deliver the package, but everything is a fake. if they tell you to transfer via western (UNION) , that the man who want you cheat. never give them the mtcn number of the transfer because even the name and the country doesnt match, they can pick up only with the mtcn number, so watch out@!! the receiver's name of the transfer will be 'ADE FLEX' or 'ALHAJI KAZEEM' or 'HASAN AFEEZ' whatever the name is they talk like an arabian, maybe not if is to cheat you, so watch out!!! if you start with the transfer, they will tell you that your package is misspackaged and you need to transfer more money telling you that the employee who mispackaged was fired, and when you do another transfer, they tell you that you have to pay more because of the demorated fee and insurance fee... just dont send more money because is a fraud that wants more money. and when the money is sent he just disappear.... never and ever send him the mtcn number. remember!! DO NOT SEND THE MTCN NUMBER~!~!~!~! NEVER~!~!~! if you need to know more of these just send me an email and i will show you the proof that they are cheating on you...
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